2016 Audio Files
MP3 files of the 2016 conference are now available on the media pageĀ . Thanks for your support.
MP3 files of the 2016 conference are now available on the media pageĀ . Thanks for your support.
Thank you all for your support for another year! Audio files for the 2015 conference have been uploaded and can be found on theĀ media page.
Thanks for all your support this year! The full information and schedule for 2015’s conference has (finally) been posted. Brochures will arriving from the printers’ soon so expect them in your mailbox. See you in April!
The 2014 schedule and speaker information has now been updated. Our apologies for the delay! Brochures should be going to the printer this week, so look for them in your mailbox soon.
Greetings, The audio files for the 2013 conference are now available on the media page. Preparations for the 2014 conference are coming along nicely. The location will once again be the Zion church in Schanzenfeld. We are very grateful to have found a church that both supports the conference so...
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