Posted on 2012/09/16 Posted By: adminCategories: Uncategorized
Welcome to the blog section of the SMPC site. Please check back for posts from our committee and contributors!
friend of the conference! says
2013/04/10 at 12:15
Haven’t missed a conference yet and hope not to miss this one. Looks like a fine lineup of speakers. Always great to have Roger Oakland back, and looking fwd to meeting Pastors Sadlier and Grossman in person. If readers haven’t signed up for the free Sound the Trumpet by Pastor Sadlier yet, you are shortchanging yourself, as it is a great way to keep up to date and share. Thanks for posting the previous conferences so we can access for free. MOST appreciated.
Helen Braun says
2013/04/11 at 07:04
Thanks for keeping this site up and current! I so appreciate the archives of past conferences and speakers as I did not attend in those earlier years.
Dick Leppky says
2013/08/22 at 16:09
I have just reviewed your web site (found @ R. Oaklands ‘schedule’ page). What are the dates for 2014 and are you looking for presenters? I am from British Columbia.
Dick Leppky says
2013/09/25 at 22:12
I note there has been no response to the two questions I asked…..Please?
admin says
2013/09/25 at 22:45
My apologies. I have sent you an email addressing your questions.
Brian Klassen says
2015/04/14 at 15:20
Wasn’t able to attend the conference. Are there going to be CD’s offered for the listening? Or will some of the speakers be on You Tube?
admin says
2016/05/10 at 20:11
Sorry for the slow response – if you didn’t already get a CD set you can contact us to do so (I think there are some left, not sure), or, the audio files are now accessible on the Media page here.
friend of the conference! says
2013/04/10 at 12:15Haven’t missed a conference yet and hope not to miss this one. Looks like a fine lineup of speakers. Always great to have Roger Oakland back, and looking fwd to meeting Pastors Sadlier and Grossman in person. If readers haven’t signed up for the free Sound the Trumpet by Pastor Sadlier yet, you are shortchanging yourself, as it is a great way to keep up to date and share. Thanks for posting the previous conferences so we can access for free. MOST appreciated.
Helen Braun says
2013/04/11 at 07:04Thanks for keeping this site up and current! I so appreciate the archives of past conferences and speakers as I did not attend in those earlier years.
Dick Leppky says
2013/08/22 at 16:09I have just reviewed your web site (found @ R. Oaklands ‘schedule’ page). What are the dates for 2014 and are you looking for presenters? I am from British Columbia.
Dick Leppky says
2013/09/25 at 22:12I note there has been no response to the two questions I asked…..Please?
admin says
2013/09/25 at 22:45My apologies. I have sent you an email addressing your questions.
Brian Klassen says
2015/04/14 at 15:20Wasn’t able to attend the conference. Are there going to be CD’s offered for the listening? Or will some of the speakers be on You Tube?
admin says
2016/05/10 at 20:11Sorry for the slow response – if you didn’t already get a CD set you can contact us to do so (I think there are some left, not sure), or, the audio files are now accessible on the Media page here.